J Pouch Surgery in Houston, TX
We Perform J-Pouch Surgery for Ulcerative Colitis
At the office of Dr. Eric Haas, we perform j-pouch surgery for patients in Houston, TX with ulcerative colitis (UC). When medicine and diet changes aren’t enough to improve the effects of UC, patients have found relief from the innovative j-pouch surgery. Our team of internationally-recognized surgeons performs laparoscopic robotic surgery for ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA), avoiding the need for more intrusive, traditional open surgical methods. If uneasiness about surgery has kept you from improving your situation with ulcerative colitis, schedule a consultation to learn more.

What is J-Pouch Surgery?
J-pouch surgery, also called ileoanal anastomosis or ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) surgery, is a medical procedure that allows patients to eliminate waste normally after the removal of their large intestine. This surgical procedure avoids the need for a permanent opening in the abdomen (stoma).
Why Treating Ulcerative Colitis is Important
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease that affects the large intestine. The large intestine’s job is to absorb water from food and use its muscles to push food further along the intestine, where eventually, it is passed out of the body. UC affects the lining of the intestine with small sores or ulcers that cause significant discomfort. This causes abdominal pain and hinders the intestine’s ability to absorb water, leading to frequent diarrhea. People with UC are at higher risk of developing colon or rectal cancer.
Find Relief With J-Pouch Surgery
Patients who undergo j-pouch surgery will have the area of the bowel affected by UC removed, including the rectum and colon. To replace the function of the large intestine, our team will use the end of the small intestine to create a pouch shaped like a letter J and attach it to the anus. While the surgery heals, patients will collect waste via a stoma outside of the body. However, once the j-pouch has healed, the stoma is no longer required, and individuals can pass waste as they had before surgery.
What to Expect After J-Pouch Surgery
After any surgical procedure, the body needs time to heal. After your j-pouch surgery, your body will need time to adapt to its new surgical pouch. After the procedure, some patients have reported experiencing increased bowel movements. This should decrease over time. Some male patients have reported experiencing sexual dysfunction due to nerve damage. Some female patients may scar tissue surrounding their ovaries and fallopian tubes. This can lead to infertility. It’s important to discuss sexual function with your surgeon and inquire when it is safe to resume sexual activity. Your surgeon will also be able to inform you of what supplies you’ll need at home for aftercare. You will also be advised on how to manage your temporary ostomy and ensure it stays clean. We can help you learn what to expect after your j-pouch surgical procedure.
Contact Our Specialists Today About J-Pouch Surgery
At our office, minimally-invasive surgical procedures are much more prevalent than the national average rate of other surgical centers. We put our patient’s comfort and well-being ahead of anything else by offering this advanced medical practice. Patients at our Houston colon and rectal surgery center benefit from reduced downtime, minimal scarring, less openness to infection, and a quicker healing period. Contact our team today to learn more about the reduced risks of robotic laparoscopic surgery.